bahahahahahaahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My fingers are BLEEDING but ive successfully completed the back part of my skirt.
The agenda is to block this piece tomorrow or as much of it as I can because the sides and the CO edge has to be blocked and then the rest of the day I will be knitting a icord bracelet for my sister since she is moving to KY on saturday I think. :( I will be really sad to see her go.
Also then I have to weave in my ends. And then begin the grueling task of picking up and knitting all of the BO edge in the CC. Which by the way is an AMAZING red!
And ahhh this morning finished transforming my yummy Yarn Chef chiffon into a ball instead of a hank. That was a crazy expirience. If it wasnt 1 in the morning I would run upstairs take a pic and put it up but...alas I am too tired. Will try and post a picture of the deliciousness tomorrow morning. Depends on how long it takes to set up everything for blocking.
Me! :0