Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Dream Big

Hello everyone sorry! Sorry Sorry! Been busy. Not a lot going on in my knitting life. And this is a quick update so sorry once again for no pictures.

Working on Joan of Arc with some kind of crazy soft acrylic. Never felt anything so soft that was acrylic. Havent started my girlfriends protection motif yet. I have to practice my M1left and right first. And learn how to read cables on a chart. LOL FAIL. I was supposed to have this pillow done BY friday. And I havent even started it. Oh well she will get it eventually.

Hello new follower! I don't know who you are but THANK YOU and welcome!

Also finished a Linen Stitch scarflet. Its beautiful but I think I sewed on the buttons wrong. Oh well they are candy corn buttons so who cares! :)

Also I want to go here. in Billings, Montana and then I want to visit Red Lodge. :) Gotta go!!!!!!!! Computer is dieing.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Sorry Sorry

Been a few days since my last update and I apologize! I have been sick and not much knitting action has taken place.

1. I messed up my cashmere hank and had to send it off to a nice girl from the Knot a Problem group on ravelry.

- Hopefully she can untangle it.

- and Hopefully she doesnt steal it. 0_0

2. We have our first FOLLOWER of the blog! Thank you, thank you! When I'm famous I'll make sure I dont forget you! *bows*

3. I found this amazing comic strip Knit Princess, Go to the first one and READ THEM ALL. It's amazing! :)

4. Started the Linen Stitch Scarflet. Knitted it ALL day yesterday. And its only halfway done. Its awesome knit though.

5. Messed up already on the second half of Golden. Going to have to rip it.

And Im so sad! yesterday was going to be my intro to the knitting world officialy by going to Yarns to dye for and more's open knit night. but...I dont have money for gas so I couldnt go. ;_;

Thats it for now!